오라클 설치는 별거 없을 줄 알았는데.. 오늘은 오류때문에 4시간째 삽질중이다.
일단.. 라이선스는 지켜주기 위해 테스트용이니 검색을 먼저 한다
$ docker search oracle-xe
oracleinanutshell/oracle-xe-11g 155
wnameless/oracle-xe-11g-r2 Oracle Express Edition 11g Release 2 on Ubun… 59
orangehrm/oracle-xe-11g docker container with Oracle Express Editio… 15 [OK]
dragonbest520/oracle-xe-10g Oracle Express Edition 10g Release 2 (10.2.0… 8 [OK]
christophesurmont/oracle-xe-11g Clone of the wnameless/oracle-xe-11g. 6
chameleon82/oracle-xe-10g Oracle Express Edition Universal 10g R2 (10.… 4
philipharries/oracle-xe Oracle XE Container with transparent build m… 4
ukhomeofficedigital/oracle-xe-11g Oracle Database Express Edition 11g Container 4 [OK]
thebookpeople/oracle-xe-11g 3
jaspeen/oracle-xe-11g Fork from sath89/docker-oracle-xe-11g - smal… 3 [OK]
pvargacl/oracle-xe-18.4.0 Oracle Express Edition 18.4.0 on Oracle Linu… 2
acktsw/oracle-xe-11g fork from https://hub.docker.com/r/sath89/or… 2 [OK]
moremagic/oracle-xe CentOS7 in oracle-xe 2 [OK]
gvenzl/oracle-xe Oracle Database Express Edition Container / … 1
webdizz/oracle-xe-11g-sa This is a simple image based on sath89/oracl… 1 [OK]
vitorfec/oracle-xe-18c Oracle Database Express Edition (XE) Release… 1
andyrbell/oracle-xe-11g-centos Oracle Express Edition 11g Release 2 on Cent… 0
lucazz/oracle-xe Simple Debian Container running oracle-xe. 0 [OK]
larmic/oracle-xe-11g Using wnameless/oracle-xe-11g with created u… 0
imnotjames/oracle-xe 0
moufmouf/oracle-xe-php Oracle XE + PHP (with OCI8 driver) in a sing… 0 [OK]
nritholtz/oracle-xe-11g nritholtz/oracle-xe-11g 0
larmic/oracle-xe A oracle xe image with user integrationtest … 0
owncloudci/oracle-xe 0
jycr/oracle-xe2 0
18.4 버전을 깔아보고 싶어졌으니 선택
$ docker pull pvargacl/oracle-xe-18.4.0
설치가 완료되면 이미지를 실행하면 된다.
$ docker run --name oracle18c -d -p 1521:1521 vitorfec/oracle-xe-18c
sqlplus 실행
docker exec -it oracle18c sqlplus
하고나면 이상한 오류들이 나올 수 있다.
stricky.tistory.com/396에서 해결방법을 찾았다.
$ docker exec -it oracle18c bash
$ su oracle
$ bin/sqlplus / as sysdba
이걸로 드디어 내 오라클 계정을 만들수 있게 셋팅이 완료되었다.
이것때문에 4일을 개고생한게 잔뜩화가났다.
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